Houston, Texas, USA (8 March 2011): B.K. Dr. Hansa Raval was honored with the International Women's Day Outstanding Service Award
for extraordinary efforts to make a positive difference in the world.
Dr. Hansa was invited as the keynote speaker to address prominent women leaders in the fields of business, science, government,
law, education and the arts. The event coordinator asked the audience to close their eyes and imagine a Colonel from the United States
Army on the stage. When Dr. Hansa appeared on the stage in a white sari, the audience applauded!
Dr. Hansa spoke about the importance of fearlessness in attaining success and the necessity for women to play a leadership role in
the world. To play this role, she emphasized that women must help each other, be vocal about injustice, and be forgiving.
The audience received the introduction to Brahma Kumaris and the Supreme Soul.

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